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Такое я видел в первый и последний раз

Редакция журнала рекомендует вниманию читателя цикл своеобразных очерков - записок "для себя по памяти и на память" Александра Ефимова. Автор родился в 1926 году, закончил в 1957 г. Ленинградскую Военно-воздушную академию им.А.Ф.Можайского и был назначен ведущим инженером-испытателем Воздухоплавательного Центра. С января 1976 г. работает там же, как служащий РА в качестве инженера. В разное время А.Ефимов записывал интересные истории о самом Центре и его людях. Некоторыми из них он делится с нами.

About such a thing that I have seen for the first and last time
The editorial board recommends for the attention of the reader the cycle of original essays and notes "for myself from memory" by A.Ephimov.
The author was born in 1926, has graduated from the  Leningrad Military-Air Academy,  named in  honor F.Ph.Mozhayskiy,  and has been appointed to  the Air Centre  as a leading  engineer-tester. Since January, 1976, he has worked there as an employee of the RA as an engineer.   At different times A.Ephimov made interesting notes for stories about the Centre and its people.  He shares some of them with us.
It seems to them that all possible situations are foreseen and that special cases would not be expected.  But ...  20 different automatic balloons rise into the sky one after the other.  In 19 of them pyropatrons have successful broken the envelope.  But in the last one their explosion didn't prevent the envelope from climbing into the sky again.  When the balloon had landed at last it became clear that the inside of the envelope was covered by ice.  Its thickness was equal to a man's hand.

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